Monday, March 1, 2010

Sao Paulo to Angra do Reis

Today we cruised the streets of sao paulo for a while while we continued searching for the kid nian had baptized that was serving his mission there. We finally found out that he was serving in a different city an hour north so we rolled up there and ate lunch with him and his companions. after lunch it started raining so we went back to Guisti´s house and got ready for the road. We said goodbye to the Gusitis (who were sooo great to us! fed us, washed our clothes, basically treated us like family!) and we headed for Daves mission presidents place.

The Guistis aka nicest people in the World

 on the way there Nian and Dave decided to go all nascar through the traffic and i got way left behind. We were seperated for like an hour, luckly we met up at his presidents house thanks to my gps. Pres Amorim lives in a gated community outside of sao paulo which reminded me of florida. His house and neighbourhood are super nice. i´d live there in a second! We spent the night there got ready for the road again and made tracks. We rode for a few hours when we looked back and.... no dave. So Nian and i kept riding a few hours til he finally called. we told him the name of the place where were were going to stay and Rode onnn. as it got dark the gps took us on a shortcut dirt road into the middle of nowhere. It felt like we were riding up some canyon road in Utah. After 2 more hours of windy mt roads we made it to angro dos Reis. Super pretty place, we spent the night in a motel and when i woke up dave was there! I thought he was gone for good. We woke up the next morning, went on one of the prettiest rides ever though landslide central, and hit the road for RIO!!!!
On the Way to Rio


Melissa Garn said...

Nian's sister here! I was so happy to hear you guys had a blog! You are freakin nuts! This trip will be one of the highlights of your lives! I love reading all your crazy stories. I can't believe you just bum around trying to find places to eat and shower. That is awesome. Sometimes I wish I was a boy, just so I could do cool things like that. Keep throwing big spiders at Nian and give him my love! Don't die ok!