Saturday, January 30, 2010

Search (S 25° 27' 41.30" W 49° 16' 38.94") to know Exactly where I am

Yesterday was pretty awesome! i woke up to a home cooked meal from my buddys parents, kicked it for a bit and hit the streets in the rain, alone. ha i took the metro for a while, got off and explored around. i went to the mall ( which make vegas and new york malls look like spanish fork) and got a phone. I think the girl that sold it to me stole my number before she gave it to me cause i keep getting calls from a number when nobody has my number haha i walked around all day going to cemetaries, churches, and anywhere else that looked interesting. sao paulo is gigantic! I ended up in a shady part of town after dark so i hustled to the metro and went quick to my friend Guisti´s apt. we ordered some pizzas and i spent the night on his couch. The next morning i took a 2hr bus/metro to the bus station and got a 6 hr bus ride to curitiba. My mission president lives here along with come old comps and a couple ladies that we baptized while i was on my mission. Still havent talked to any of em but i´ll get by.  HERE WE GO!!!